Our Beliefs

We hold to the Biblical teachings of the Reformed faith, which are summarized in the Westminster Confession, the Westminster Catechisms, and the Heidelberg Catechism. All of our beliefs are found in the Bible which is the Word of God and so is without error. In it, God has revealed all we need to know about himself, our own nature, and our duty to God and each other.

We believe in One True God who is holy and sovereign; who created all things out of nothing by his Word and preserves all things according to his own will and for his own glory. God is a spirit existing in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - each of whom is truly God and equal in power and glory.

God created people holy and happy but since Adam’s fall, all mankind is in rebellion against God and deserves His wrath and curse of strife, death, and decay. Only through God’s great mercy extended to his people in making and keeping the promises of his covenant is there any hope of salvation from the curse of his eternal judgment.

Salvation was planned by God the Father, worked out for his people through God the Son, Jesus Christ, and applied to each person by the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, being God, was made man so that he could be our substitute, living a blameless life for us and bearing the wrath of God in our place. By faith in him, our sin is charged to Jesus, and his righteousness is counted as ours. The Holy Spirit, who enables us to respond in faith, continues daily to perfect each believer through the Word.

The Church is the body of Christ and is made up of all who trust in Christ for salvation and their children. Although God uses individuals in special ways, God works primarily through the Church, ministering his grace to each believer in the preaching of the Word, the sacraments, fellowship, and prayer. The work of the Church is to advance the Kingdom of God in the world by redeeming individuals, families, nations, and the world from the effects of the curse.